Blog-Site of
S o u p a r n i k a G a r d e n s R e s i d e n t s' A s s o c i a t i o n ...... സൗപര്‍ണിക റെസിഡെന്സ് അസോസിയേഷന്‍
Nethaji Road, Vattiyoorkavu, Trivandrum - 695013, Kerala State, India
Please send in your comments, suggestions, and contributions to : sra.tvpm@gmail.com

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Masala for the Week

Masala for this week !  Only MOCO's naughty moves !!  Go straight to Weekly Masala

Saturday, September 10, 2011


It's really a rare sight. Athappookkalams are not an "in thing" these days, though Onam is celebrated.
SouparnikaGardens is no exception. Athappookalam is a rare sight .  However, some 'old minds' still do that. Here is one such Pookkalam !

Monday, September 5, 2011

Teachers' Day

Are you aware that our Souparnika Gardens is very rich with its  strength of TEACHERs ! There are over 11 teachers in SRA.
Today, it's TEACHERS' DAY.  Sri. A Natarajan (SRA-3) writes about this  special event, and its originator Dr. Sarveppalli  Radhakrishan ( our former President of India). Go straight to his article and read.

Please click here to read the full article.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

ഓണം ഇതാ എത്തിക്കഴിഞ്ഞു !!!

ഓണം ഇതാ എത്തിക്കഴിഞ്ഞു  !!!

എല്ലാ  സൌപര്നികക്കാര്‍ക്കും  ഓണാശംസകള്‍  !!